Ski Weekend is Rektok Ross’s latest YA thriller. As the weather turns colder and people prep for ski weekends of their own, this novel could be a good companion for your road trip to the mountains…if you don’t fear nightmares, that is!

Six teens head up the Sierra Nevadas for a weekend getaway. The group is an odd lot—there’s main character and narrator Sam, her little brother Stuart, his girlfriend Lily, and his best friend Gavin. Two others—cheerleader Britney and football star Hunter also join them. As they travel toward the slopes, there’s a traffic jam. A storm has unexpectedly descended on the area, and police are turning people back. Not deterred, the kids find an alternative route off the highway and continue on their way. Of course they choose not to stop and get more gas and naturally, they have no cell service. Anyone detect inevitable trouble?

Well, trouble indeed finds these kids. I won’t ruin the story, but suffice it to say, they become stranded on that lonely road, and not everyone makes it out of this misadventure in one piece! The classic teen cast of characters is fun because everyone’s personality (as well as good, or in this case, bad luck) contributes to who will make it and who won’t. Watching that unfold is the key reason to read the novel.

If you’re looking to cozy up with a story of survival and adventure that will keep you guessing this fall and winter, then give Ski Weekend a try!

Rektok Ross is the pen name of Liani Kotcher, a trial attorney turned award-winning young adult author and book blogger. An avid reader since childhood, Liani writes exactly the kind of books she loves to escape into herself: exciting thrillers with strong female leads, swoonworthy love interests, and life-changing moments. She graduated from the University of Florida School of Journalism and obtained her juris doctorate at the University of Miami School of Law. Originally from South Florida, she currently splits her time between San Francisco and Los Angeles with her husband, stepkids, and her dogs. You can find her online just about anywhere at @RektokRoss, as well as on her website,, where she blogs about books and writing.


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